Action Points
1. Upcoming County Meetings:​
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Planning Commission - Wed, Jun 12, 2024
​ 7-9pm 302 N. Main, Culpeper. VA
Case No. Z-463-24-1: Request by Culpeper Acquisitions, LLC (Steven Jennings) to rezone 425.96 acres from CS (Commercial Services), RA (Rural Area), and A1 (Agricultural) to LI (Light Industrial). The applicant is proposing to use the property for a Data Center Campus per Article 7.1A-2-2.5 including an area for an electrical substation and associated equipment. The property is located on Bel Pre Rd. (Route 684) and Stevensburg Rd. (Route 663) in the Stevensburg Magisterial District.
2. Contact County Officials
Contact info for the Planning Commission
Planning Commission Members:
Sanford Reaves, Jr. (540) 222-7607 (Chairman)
Cinthia K. Thornhill (540) 229-6400 (Vice Chairman)
Walter W. Burton (540) 219-2624
Lance Kilby (571) 242-6268
Doug Grover (540) 522-8832
Nathanial Clancey (703) 600-9171
Raymond D. Zegley (540) 406-9270
Catherine (Katie) Reames (540) 729-9050
Keith D. Price (540) 729-5255
Director of Planning & Zoning: Sam McClearen
Contact info for the Board of Supervisors
Tom Underwood (540) 717-5263
Susan Gugino (540) 222-3231
Paul Bates 540) 827-9072
Gary Deal (Chairman) 540-219-8835
David Lee Click here to email 540) 718-9432
David Durr 540) 219-8124
Brad Rosenberger (vice) 540) 222-5813
John Egertson (Co. Admin.) 540) 727-3427
Kimberly Ellis (clerk)

Why we say NO to a Brandy Station Data Center and Technology Zone area:
​1 - The effect on people’s lives and livelihoods would be significantly negative. Proof is in the way Zoning Plans are typically adopted. Light Industrial is typically kept far away from residential communities and agricultural areas for this reason. Culpeper has plenty of property already zoned Light Industrial. Keep Data Centers and Industrial Scale Solar on already Light Industrial zoned property. See Culpeper's current comprehensive plan
2 - The destruction of good farm land and the harming of a community for the hope of future revenue is short sighted. Evidence would be hard to find showing that taxes have stayed low when this approach is adopted. It is smoke and mirrors to claim that taxes will be kept lower because of Light Industrial project such as Data Centers. Usually, the companies involved negotiate significant tax breaks that leave the county with having to pay for infrastructure upgrades to accommodate them...meaning higher property taxes for its residents. The Counties of Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William, which were at one time rural communities like Culpeper, have the highest tax rates in all of Virginia. Insanity has been described as doing the same thing again and again expecting different results.
​3 – Environmental Damage – Unfortunately the environmental damage is not fully realized until the impact has been felt, but there is enough information available from other Light Industrial sites that should cause us to be careful. This is another reason Industrial land has typically been kept away from communities where people live and grow food. So we are going to risk our water, our air, our health, our views, our land, our landfills, our way of life and our community for …. What?..... Potential tax revenue and to make a few people richer. If you were asked to allow a wealthy landowner to come in and ruin your community under the promise of lower taxes in 10 years, what would you say?
3 - The noise of air cooled Data Centers is of great concern, especially in a neighborhood that is in so close proximity to the proposed site. Those near other Virginia Data Center locations are reporting the same.
​4 – Property Values will be affected. It is a known fact the negative affect power lines and Industrial areas have on property values. It is one thing to have chosen to buy a house near power lines and industrial areas but a whole other thing to be forced to live with them, outside of your will, because some people want to profit.
​5 – Traffic and Construction will be a nightmare for the current residents and those who visit our county for its beauty. The construction of the first phase would be nearly six years based on the applicant's explanation. If all three phases go in, the community is looking at upwards of 10+ years of significant disruption
​6 – Make people think twice – If the local residents had known this was to occur when they bought their land, most would not be living here. Many would move out and be replaced by those who do not share the values reflected in our Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations and many who live in Culpeper. Can the residents of Culpeper expect and believe that county officials are keeping their oath of office to uphold the governing documents of our county and the will of the people who elected them? A disregard of policy and laws does not benefit the governed. Has one ever witnessed elected and appointed officials believe they know better than the people they have been elected to serve and disregard them? This form of arrogance has no place in our form of Government.
​Most of the people living in Culpeper do not want to try and make Culpeper more like Loudoun or Fairfax. They are here because of what Culpeper offers. It has a quality of life that is becoming very hard to find and which the residents support. We do not need to compromise on what is right for our residents over a fear of not having enough revenue in the future.
​The same arguments being used today in Culpeper were used 25-30 years ago in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William? Culpeper is one of the few primarily agricultural counties remaining in the Northern Virginia area.
All that glitters is not gold. Do we really want to become Fairfax, Loudoun, or Prince William?
This project is for the money and will hurt people who cannot really advocate for themselves.